Dear colleagues, friends!
We invite you to join the work International Forum of Educators and Employers "DISTANCE EDUCATION OF THE FUTURE: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES", which will be held on June 20-22, 2023 at the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University under the CBHE Erasmus+ DEFEP project "Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market"

The aim of the Forum: to promote the development of distance education by integrating the best practices of higher education institutions, the state, business and civil society in Ukraine, Moldova and the EU.
Target audience: academic staff and management of higher education institutions, higher education students, representatives of government and local self-government, NGOs and businesses, etc.
Forum format: hybrid (offline/online).
Thematic focus areas of the Forum:
1. Trends in the Development of Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions: Challenges and Solutions in the Institutional, Organizational and Normative Framework
2. Transformation of Higher Education: Methods, Technologies and Motivation of Distance Education
3. Non-formal Digital Education: Best Practices and Integration with Higher Education Institutions
4. International Distance Learning Projects
5. Corporate Distance Learning: Best Business Practices
6. Facilitated session on Design Thinking: Creative Ideas for Better Distance Education Solutions
Registration is open until 15.06.2023 via the link:

Forum Agenda
Online connection via the ZOOM

Forum Broadcasting