Uman National University of Horticulture continues to expand opportunities for higher education applicants through the participation in the Erasmus+ KA2 – DEFEP international project “Distance Education for the Future: Best EU Practices in Response to the Requests of Modern Higher Education Seekers and the Labor Market”.

Within this project, the educational program “Economics of Social Security” for students of the master’s level in the specialty 232 “Social security” is successfully implemented.

During the recent seminar, students got acquainted with the university’s information platforms such as ACS, Moodle and a university repository that make training convenient and accessible in remote format.

The applicants also had the opportunity to communicate with the guarantor of the educational program and the curator of the academic group, which provided important recommendations on the organization of training and answered all questions.
Particular attention was paid to academic integrity – its principles and documents that regulate this important aspect of the educational process.

The Erasmus+ KA2 DEFEP project continues to support the introduction of advanced distance learning practices, contributing to the development of modern competencies in our students necessary for their successful professional activity.