🔰On May 27, 2024, at the Department of Corporate Finance and Controlling of the Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman, a meeting of the guarantors of the educational programs of the second (master’s) level of higher education “Financial Management and Controlling” was held
(prof. Babiak) and “Investment Management” (prof. Majorova) with graduates of the “Corporate Finance” program and “Investment Management” program.
At the meeting, the updated educational programs of these master’s programs were presented, including the distance form of education, the development of which is taking place within the framework of an international project DEFEP (Distance
Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market).
Graduates were provided with detailed information about the features of distance learning in the context of the updated provisions of KNEU on the organization of distance learning of higher education, as well as various regulatory documents related to educational programs, work programs in academic disciplines, writing qualification papers, conducting exams, certification, observance of academic integrity, etc.
☝Also, as part of the DEFEP international project, the creation of an experimental laboratory of distance education is foreseen, which will make it possible to raise the level of the educational process not only in the distance form of education, but also in full-timе and extramural forms, which are conducted in an asynchronous format of learning.